First Content 0% matched | Second Content 0% matched |
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The text similarity checker help users to find the similarity between two text documents.
It scans the given content and bolds the matched text to prevent content plagiarism.
To use this plagiarism similarity checker, follow the below guideline:
The similarity checker scans every single piece of the given document and finds the matched content within seconds.
It does not highlight the unique content and shows the percentage of matched content in both first and second content files.
The essay similarity checker helps users to find the similarity between two essays and other documents online.
It further provides the following best features to find similar text between two documents.
Multiple Files Support
This feature provides an option to check the similarity by simply uploading DOC, TXT, and PDF files format.
After checking the entire document, it uses the latest technologies and bolds every single piece of similar text.
It checks the given documents and shows the percentage of the matched text of both first and second content.
Our similarity checker is completely free and secure to use for all purposes.
By using the checker, there is no need to worry about the privacy of your written or uploaded text.
The document that you upload is automatically deleted from our servers as soon as the checking process is done.
Some of the key uses of this online similarity checker are:
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