Anti plagiarism software API helps you to integrate plagiarism software with your CMS, CRM or LMS. You can build a real time plagiarism checker or you can develop a detector that shows results at once.You can change results according to your need. For example you can also send a url to exclude when checking plagiarism. All details are mentioned below.
First of all you have to register at and go to your account to grab API key. To use APIs your account email must be verified or you can upgrade to premium member (it will automatically verify your email address). Important things you must know before you send an api request.
Send a post request with your account apikey at https://www.editpad.orgapis
If you want to check plagiarism for the whole content quickly then you have to send your full
at this url:
You can send up to 2,500 words per request. if you have text larger than 2,500 words then
can break your text in two sections and send it one by one.
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://www.editpad.orgapis/checkPlag"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "key=YOUR_KEY&data='A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is ... used as an anti-plagiarism tool.'"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); echo $response;
{ "sources": [ { "title": "Editpad API Documentation", "link": "https://www.editpad.orgid/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "count": 4, "percent": 100 }, { "title": "Web search results - plagiarism scrambler", "link": "", "count": 1, "percent": 50 } ], "totalQueries": 3, "plagPercent": 100, "paraphrasePercent": 0, "uniquePercent": 0, "excludeURL": null, "details": [ { "unique": "false", "query": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms and rearrange sentence structure.", "version": 3, "display": { "url": "", "des": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms a nd rearrange sentence structure. It rephrases text, essays, ..." }, "paraphrase": "false" }, { "query": "It rephrases text, essays, and articles using advanced AI technology.", "version": 3, "unique": "false", "display": { "url": "https://www.editpad.orgid/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "des": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms and rearrange sentence structure. It rephrases text, essays, and articles using advanced AI technology. The paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool. Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) uses NLP technology to ...\"" }, "excludeByUrl": false, "paraphrase": "false" }, { "unique": "false", "query": "The paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool.", "version": 3, "display": { "query": "the paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool.", "url": "https://www.editpad.orgid/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "des": "synonyms and rearrange sentence structure. it rephrases text essays and articles using advanced ai technology. the paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool. our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) uses nlp technology to ...\\ }" }, "paraphrase": "false" } ] }
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